

Charles Weisenthal, 1755



Saint是英国内阁制造商和Hobby Inventor。他意识到,针不必一路穿过材料才能使机器产生针迹。发明缝纫机的其他尝试无效地试图模仿手动缝纫的过程,因此这个想法是革命性的。他的机器的专利与他当时有关的书本申请的其他几个人归为一致,从本质上被遗忘了100多年。他所知道的,他的机器具有现代缝纫机的所有属性。但是,没有证据表明圣徒实际上建造了他设计的机器。威廉·牛顿·威尔逊(William Newton Wilson)几年后根据圣人的专利建造了一个工作复制品,但他确实必须进行一些修改才能完全工作。

Barthelemy Thimonnier, 1830

Thimonnier was a French tailor who invented one of the first functioning sewing machines. It used a hooked tambour needle and produced a simple chain stitch which effectively joined cloth as intended. The operator had to feed the material by hand, but the machine could sew any length of seam, including curved seams. He built 80 machines using this design and put them to use in a factory in Paris producing uniforms for the French army. Unfortunately for him, the French revolution meant it was a time of conflict in the city. Local tailors were afraid that this machine would put them out of a job and so they formed a mob which destroyed all of the machines and burned down his factory. Thimonnier fled the city with his family and continued working on new and improved versions of his sewing machine. He tried to market his Mark 3 machine in the UK and USA but by this time other inventors had made more progress and superseded his machine with designs which were more compact and technologically advanced. He ended up as part of a travelling show, displaying his sewing machine in a tent for people to view for 10 cents a time.

埃里亚斯·豪(Elias Howe),1844年

Howe was an American machinist who used his experience working in a factory to invent a sewing machine. He sold the income rights to half his patent to a wealthy friend so he could afford to construct it. His machine actually sewed well, but only for six inches at a time. The operator was required to hang the fabric on pins and it could only sew straight seams, which made it highly inefficient. This, combined with the high price tag, meant there were few buyers. Howe tried to sell his machine in the UK but ultimately failed and returned to NYC penniless. He found that many companies had started making sewing machines which all used concepts enshrined in his patent. Although these machines worked effectively and his didn’t, his patent law suits against these makers and the exorbitant licensing fees he charged to all manufacturers who tried to build and sell similar machines made him the second richest man in the world.

艾萨克·梅里特·辛格(Isaac Merritt Singer),1851年

歌手是美国发明家,演员和商人。他没有发明缝纫机,但他确实根据被要求维修的现有机器开发了一种实用,高效的设计。他为这项设计申请了专利,并以其营销,批量生产技术和租赁购买系统而闻名,这些系统提供信贷,因此客户可以分期付款。这使歌手成为家喻户晓的名字。这也引起了与豪的冲突。歌手看到豪的专利覆盖了几乎所有可能建造的机器,因为它覆盖了眼睛指针和班车的使用。为了挑战该专利,他找到了一位名叫Walter Hunt的发明家,他在1833年左右在几年前用针和航天飞机生产了一台缝纫机。

沃尔特·亨特(Walter Hunt),1833年

Hunt was an American mechanic who invented a sewing machine which worked in a similar way to Howe’s years before Howe’s patent was registered. He invented many products which are still widely used today, including the safety pin, but never truly realised the potential value of these ideas. Although Howe had essentially reinvented his machine, as Hunt had failed to patent his own design, he received none of the profits. It is widely believed that Hunt deliberately didn’t patent his sewing machine as he thought such an invention would result in seamstresses being unable to find work. Singer encouraged Hunt to defend his invention against Howe in court, but the judge decided in favour of Howe. Hunt finally patented his lockstitch machine in 1854.


Following this there were years of lawsuits and patent disputes between rival sewing machine companies (known as the Sewing Machine War) which ultimately ended in the formation of the ‘Sewing Machine Combination’. This unprecedented move created what was essentially a cartel with a patent pool which gave them control of sewing machine production for the next 14 years.


Although it’s interesting to know the history of the industrial sewing machine, the important thing is that the design has continued to be developed ever since! There are now thousands of different types of sewing machine for every conceivable application. Even seemingly small advancements like Juki’s invention of the automatic thread trimmer have had a big impact on the global textile industry. And we haven’t finished inventing yet! If you are looking for the most advanced industrial sewing machine for your manufacturing process, contact our friendly team who will recommend the best product to suit you. You can get in touch with us through the contact form on the website or viainfo@ae-sewingmachines.co.uk





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