华体会注册不了have become fairly well-versed in the automotive upholstery sector. A large number of our customers are automotive upholsterers and they have had a lot of success with our Juki machinery. If you're reading this and you're feeling intrigued by what we have to offer, we would encourage you to read on... We may have exactly what you've been looking for.

Unparalleled Quality for Automotive Upholsterers

We understand that quality control is paramount to automotive upholsterers as they have to make sure that their customers are happy with the work that they've done. One bad stitch can ruin an entire project, but we can provide you with the tools to ensure that this doesn't happen. Not only do our Juki machines deliver excellent stitch quality, but there are certain models which have features such as slip stitch detection which help the operator to maintain that high level of stitch quality.

Automotive Upholsterers

We have multiple showrooms in our facility featuring a wide range of different machines suited to automotive upholsterers.

Spoilt for Choice

A brief look into any of our showrooms will tell you exactly how much variety there is in terms of heavy-duty machinery for automotive upholstery. As well as the Juki LU-2800 Series unison feed machines, we have specialist machines for automotive upholsterers, such as theJuki PLC-2760RDV8and theJuki AMS-251。plc - 2760 rdv8是双针床walking foot machine which features a turning needle bar. This needle bar allows the machine to sew a multitude of different stitch patterns, which would give an automotive upholsterer more options to offer their customers in terms of stitch patterns. The AMS-251 is more suited to high-volume work in a factory setting. This large CNC sewing machine features a turning head mechanism which means that the machine can sew in any direction without compromising the quality of the stitch.

We would welcome anyone reading this post to book an appointment to visit us and see what we have to offer. A member of our team will show you around, provide demonstrations on the machinery and you can even bring your samples with you to ensure that the machine you're trying out is right for you. We love helping our customers in any way that we can and we're proud to be a part of this ever-growing industry!

For any enquiries, please feel free to contact us atinfo@ae-sewingmachines.co.uk。Alternatively, you can call our office on 01978 821699 (Freephone: 0800 678 5853) or get in touch with us via the live chat onour website。Our team is on-hand from 8:30 am - 5 pm (GMT) Monday - Friday to help with any queries.